Whazzup ProCollabers!

Newsletter #17 - July, 2016

Happy National Caviar Day! Yeah, don’t ask.

“In the Style of” Challenge

If you haven’t checked it out already, you’re in for a treat! For this challenge we wanted to switch things up a bit by having an ‘In the Style of' challenge, which basically means that you will be trying your best to capture the essence of a certain artist/band.

So jump in, get involved, sign-up and collaborate for a bit of fun! For more details click here.

Work for Hire Projects

For artists who want to retain all rights in their projects/songs, we’ve finally released the new ‘work for hire’ project option, so project managers can now offer to pay artists for performing on a project in exchange for full ownership and rights in the contributed work.

Equally, session musicians, professionals, and enthusiastic members can now start pitching to project managers for work on projects.

We have added a detailed tutorial explaining how this all works. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.

Got lyrics, Need lyrics?

You might have seen that we just added a ‘find lyrics’ section in the community lounge as we noticed that our lyricists were not getting the attention that they deserve.

Lyrics are taken and randomly displayed from a members own Media Library area. So if you are a lyricist, and don’t want to start a full project initially, then feel free to post your lyrics here.

You should ideally post as pdf documents with one document per song.

Community Lounge Facelift

We finally got around to rearranging the community lounge. One of the more prominent changes was the shifting of the ‘recent activity’ to make more room for current project activity information. It does still exist, of course! In fact, we now have a whole page solely dedicated to it, as well as the updates/news & live chatroom.

Coming Soon!

Digital distribution

We are currently looking at options for providing a digital distribution service to members. This will basically be a service comparable to CD Baby and TuneCore, but cheaper! So watch this space…

ProCollabs Compilation Album Release

We have so much amazing music in the Music Library nowadays that we wanted to do something special for our members.

So in the coming weeks, we will be asking all members and non-members to vote on their favorite collaborations from the Music Library in consideration for inclusion on our very first compilation album that will be distributed and released on iTune, Amazon, and others.

Collaborators who do not want their songs to be included will of course have that option.

We’ll be following up shortly with details so be on the lookout for that, and in the meantime, get your family, friends, and fans listing in and ready to put their vote in for their favorites!

Terms of Service

Please note that we have updated our terms of service to include references to the new work-for-hire project options, and the ‘Funds’ feature recently added on the site. You should review these changes as soon as possible.

Spread The Word!

Word of mouth counts. Spread the word about ProCollabs, if you enjoy collaborating with others, then invite your musician friends to join.

And please do stop by our social media pages and show us some lurve. We're happy that our numbers are growing, but they can triple if you guys can help pimp us too. Below are the links to our Social Media pages.




New Members

Warm welcome to all of our new members this month!

We encourage all newbies to introduce themselves in the forum introduction thread and get collaborating ASAP. There's no shortage of talented and creative individuals in ProCollabsProjectland, so jump on it! Talents in need include guitars, vocals, keyboards, drums, strings, brass and others – all in various genres!

We'll be sending out more updates soon. In the meantime, get yourself on over to procollabs.com and let's make some new and exciting music together!



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