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Forums > Vocals > Hear Yourself

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"This is the same problem a vocalist will encounter in a band rehearsal, most bands turn up with their 100 Watt amps and quad boxes, drummer has his full kit." - Clueless Ozzy Chap.

I say, turn it all the way up, man. Rock and roll. Yeah!!

Ok, maybe Andrew does have a point.. wish our old drummer had read this post.. and, ok, guilty as charged. But they waz the dayz! :)
#2699 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 4:15 am
I just completely killed the entire mid range of this mix lol, and... VOILA'! Pardon me now, gotta' get my OZZY in drag on! :)
#2700 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 4:45 am
"This is the same problem a vocalist will encounter in a band rehearsal, most bands turn up with their 100 Watt amps and quad boxes, drummer has his full kit." - Clueless Ozzy Chap. I say, turn it all the way up, man. Rock and roll. Yeah!! Ok, maybe Andrew does have a point.. wish our old drummer had read this post.. and, ok, guilty as charged. But they waz the dayz! :)

Originally posted by MonkeyC on Fri 11 Aug, 2017

Now I know why you always solo over the's just like rehearsal, you couldn't hear them over your Marshall Stack anyway :)
#2703 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 10:25 am
Now I know why you always solo over the's just like rehearsal, you couldn't hear them over your Marshall Stack anyway :)

Originally posted by GoodVibes on Fri 11 Aug, 2017

There is a pecking order in 'real' rock music, and it starts with 1/ lead guitarist, and 2/ lead vocalist ;)
#2704 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 10:31 am
Ah-ha. If you are talking about mixing the track, that is a whole different ball game! And a much bigger book :) My suggestions would be to start with 1/ compression (and automation) and 2/ EQ. It's about making room for the vocals by moving all the other crap out the way frequency-wise, and keeping the vocals on top and in focus throughout.

Originally posted by MonkeyC on Thu 10 Aug, 2017

Interesting....I always go EQ then compression. Why do you do it that way? Just curious 'cause I'm fairly new at mixing.
#2705 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 10:44 am
Interesting....I always go EQ then compression. Why do you do it that way? Just curious 'cause I'm fairly new at mixing.

Originally posted by tpistilli on Fri 11 Aug, 2017

Oh no, I didn't actually mean to suggest a particular order, just that the two elements are fundamentals for getting stuff to work together. That said, personally, I typically do do some compression before EQ, but it just depends. Can be reasons either way.
#2706 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 10:48 am
Though, in my other previous post there is definitely a prescribed order to things! Lead guitarist 1st, vocalist 2nd. Andrew knows the truth. He didn't say it out loud, but he has a Marshall :)
#2707 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 10:57 am
Though, in my other previous post there is definitely a prescribed order to things! Lead guitarist 1st, vocalist 2nd. Andrew knows the truth. He didn't say it out loud, but he has a Marshall :)

Originally posted by MonkeyC on Fri 11 Aug, 2017

Yep! One exception was the time I was in a band with this wicked drummer - the dude made us all look better....I think he moved up the chain for that group. ;-)
#2708 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 11:13 am
I'm by no means a pro when it comes to recording anything. I basically wing it every single time. I do have one observation and I can't really explain why. When I record vocals, my best vocals are with absolutely no effects in the chain upon recording and using headphones only on one ear. I suppose this is because I can hear the vocal in it's truest form and in real time and make the micro adjustments in the pitch and time as needed. It's a little weird doing it like this because at that point your vocal is so dry and does not fit the acoustics of the other instruments. It's easier to control your voice like this if you get used to hearing your self sing accapella in one ear
#2709 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 11:53 am
Though, in my other previous post there is definitely a prescribed order to things! Lead guitarist 1st, vocalist 2nd. Andrew knows the truth. He didn't say it out loud, but he has a Marshall :)

Originally posted by MonkeyC on Fri 11 Aug, 2017

Hahaha.......... and there is a prescribed order of volume: Lead guitarist 11, everyone else 7 or 8 :)

And given I think it is my track where I am playing at 11, that started this post, I rest my case.........

And so endeth todays sermon ;-)
#2710 Posted Fri 11 Aug, 2017 12:09 pm
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