Watch Me Explode

Managed by StephSomething


Project Status

Collaboration Phase This is a work in progress. Collaborators are busy busy!






Project Type: Public

Auditions: Private

Status: Open

Started: Aug 27, 2023

Talent Needed

Electric Bass

Drums (acoustic)


Heavy psych






Project Summary

Description: Song is quite long... it builds with each verse.

Project brief: Looking for drums, though I'm thinking they might come in with the distorted guitar (not really sure). Maybe sparse percussion starting at second verse. Also need bass, which I think should come in at second verse, but I'm open to ideas.

For audio file uploads, please use: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz


Coming down, more like hurling fast Toward a dirt and gravel road From the height of where I've been keeping myself For too many years now Sure it hurt, but I am not Bloody or bruised on the outside, anyway Must mean I'm fine Must mean I'm fine Mmm... Shake that bottle, shake that bottle, shake that bottle Watch me explode (Repeat) When I look up I cannot tell where exactly it was I fell from All I see are constellations, a blinking light And a child's dream It's like I fell asleep, nineteen, stupid kid, yea that was me Oh but I never thought that I'd be the one To betray me Shake that bottle, shake that bottle, shake that bottle Watch me explode (Repeat) Oh it's funny how your brain can pick and choose what you remember And you get no say in the matter whatsoever So, I guess I'll just have to be okay With being another person nodding yes To the ad on the screen, it keeps repeating And all the while, I will be thinking That all those things, they sound just like me So I will wait in line to ride the spectrum Then you can file me away To a place where you can still see me And I will be exactly what you want to see in me But I will be nothing close to who I know I am Shake that bottle, shake that bottle, shake that bottle Watch me explode (repeat)


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DuBrae says.. Cool track SS ??

Posted on Aug 31, 2023

91 bpm


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