Whazzup ProCollabers!

Newsletter #25 - March, 2017

Whazzup ProCollabers!

Happy ‘Let’s Laugh’ Day! laughing

Get Well Wishes

Our friend & site’s Mentor, Tom Chianti was recently in the hospital, but is now home and recovering. We wanted to take this time to send him our love and healing wishes. Get well soon, we miss you! 

Blog Post

Some of you might have noticed that last week’s blog posted this week as well. We’re sorry for the mishap, gotta love automated services! You can check out our latest blog post called Music theory for non-musos, and of course feel free to leave your comments. 

Remember, if you’d like to be a guest writer, please register then let us know what music related topic you’d like to write about.


We’ve been tossing around some ideas for a possible podcast. Not sure if it would be weekly or bi-weekly, but we’d love to hear your thoughts about it. For instance, would it be something that you all would be interested in? We would most likely need a reliable host to run the podcast, someone creative and enthusiastic about coming up with content, etc. 

Again, it’s just an idea at this point, but if anyone is interested, please contact either Raven or MonkeyC and we can discuss it.

Site Moderators

As many of you know, there are just 2 people behind ProCollabs. The site is growing and we’ve reached the point where some extra help would be welcomed and appreciated. We have been discussing assigning Moderator roles on the site. At the moment we are still trying to figure out the actual ‘role’ and what it would entail. It would be ideal to have moderators from all around the world so someone would always be available, if needed. 

Once we figure it all out, we will send out an email with full details. 

Social Media

Please stop by our social media pages and show us some lurve. We're happy that our numbers are growing, and they can triple if you guys pimp us on your social media pages. Below are the links to our SM pages. 




New Members

Warm welcome to the new members who recently joined. We encourage all newbies to introduce themselves in the forum introduction thread and get collaborating asap. There's no shortage of talented and creative individuals in ProCollabs Projectland, so jump on it! Talents in need include guitars, vocals, keyboards, drums, strings, brass and others – all in various genres!

We'll be sending out more updates soon. In the meantime, get yourself on over to procollabs.com and let's make some new and exciting music together!

~ The ProCollabs Team

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