Whazzup ProCollabers!

Newsletter #24 - February, 2017

Whazzup ProCollabers!

Happy ‘Do a Grouch a Favor’ Day!  Yep, it’s a thing!  :)

Membership Renewal

Some members may have noticed that it’s time to renew their annual membership plan. We now have multiple tier memberships and offer customizable plans to fit any budget.

Members who have joined us last year will also notice that their 'price-for-life' discount has already been applied for their current membership level, and a discount is also offered if you choose to upgrade. 

If you’re a bit confused or need some help making a decision, please take a minute to read the Membership Plan Comparison guide.

We'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again for supporting the community and making such awesome music together. We hope to see you stick around to make even more music in the coming year!

Public Play Stats

For song owners with music published in the Music Library, you can now see the total play count from the song’s datasheet.

As well as being nice to know that someone is listening, this could be particularly useful for members who are publishing cover songs. As you may already know, when you purchase a license to cover an artists’ song, you are allotted a certain number of plays/downloads per license. This feature will help you keep track of that.

Uploading Zips

When a zip file is uploaded to a project, the default behavior is for the platform to unzip the contents and import each file into the project as an individual track. This allows you to import a collection of audio and other files into a project workspace easily as a single file.

However, there can be times when you'll want to keep your zip files zipped. An example could be if you wanted to upload your DAW project files. Rather than have these files being unziped and separated, you'll probably want to retain the original file as a single zipped archive.

In this case, we have added a new option in the project upload page that you can select in this case. Selecting "Don't unpack. Keep my zip files zipped" will ensure that your zip remains packaged and undisturbed.

Work for Hire Client Feedback

As we are starting to see more work for hire projects being started on the site, so too are we identifying and implementing improvements that will enhance this process for the both the client and the artist.

And on that note, we have just added a client feedback system that will allow a client to be able to give artists feedback on their work whilst an artist will be able to display this feedback on their profile as a means of promoting themselves as a reliable session artist.

If you have identified yourself as an artist who is looking for paid work, then your new "Client Rating" will always be visible to others on your profile. Any comments made by a client can either be displayed on your profile or hidden. This information will, of course, only show on your profile once you have completed your first work for hire project.

Your 'Client Rating' is calculated based on the average feedback given by all of your clients and five stars is the maximum rating available.

Once a job has been completed, at the point of accepting your final work, the client is asked to rate the artist out of 5 based on the following five criteria:

  1. Quality of work - Did your work live up to expectations in terms of quality. I.e. performance and recording
  2. Project communications - Did you communicate effectively throughout the project. For example, responding to questions and suggestions, or providing updates.
  3. Adherence - Did you listen and follow instructions and comply with the client's requests, as opposed to just 'doing your own thing'.
  4. Timelines - Did you meet any specified project deadlines. Or manage situations effectively where issues arose around deadlines and delivery.
  5. Satisfaction - The client is asked to provide a rating for their overall level of satisfaction in working with the artist.

The client is also asked to say whether or not they would recommend the artist to other members. 

To manage your jobs and feedback, we’ve implemented a new "Work for Hire" section on your Dashboard. Where a client has left written feedback, you can select (by clicking on the eye icon) whether or not the feedback should show on your profile to other members or not.

The Creative Music Blog

As you may be aware, ProCollabs has its own blog (called 'The Creative Music Blog') and this year we intend to dedicate some more time for adding new articles.

To make it all worth-while, it would be great to know if you find the articles useful or interesting. So please do visit regularly and leave us any comments and questions. Your feedback and support will be incredibly important and valuable to us as we make fools of ourselves in the public domain! So get to commenting and send all your friends too.

For the writer in you, we are also very keen to have guest writers post to the blog too. So if you can write, and feel like you have something to contribute on any subject that relates to music, then go ahead and sign up for an account and post your thoughts.

We are particularly interested to hear from writers who can contribute articles on subjects like music tutorials/educational topics, gear reviews, experiences in music collaborations, etc

Visit our blog now or sign-up for a guest writer account.

Social Media

Please stop by our social media pages and show us some lurve. We're happy that our numbers are growing, and they can triple if you guys pimp us on your social media pages. Below are the links to our SM pages. 




New Members

Warm welcome to the new members who recently joined.  We encourage all newbies to introduce themselves in the forum introduction thread and get collaborating asap. There's no shortage of talented and creative individuals in ProCollabs Projectland, so jump on it! Talents in need include guitars, vocals, keyboards, drums, strings, brass and others – all in various genres!

We'll be sending out more updates soon. In the meantime, get yourself on over to procollabs.com and let's make some new and exciting music together!

~ The ProCollabs Team


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