Since 25 February, 2015
Verified Account
Victor Bonato
New Jersey
United States

PRO Affiliation (CAE/IPI)

BMI 00207323600


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabsBest Bling AwardConqueror of the David Bowie CUCSpooky Challenge 2017Christmas Challenge 2017Summer Challenge 2018Spookfest Challenge 2018Halloween Bling Award2019 Freak Fest ChallengeKrampus Challenge 2019TV/Film Challenge 20212021 Come on Hear the Noise Challenge2021 You Pick 2 Challenge2021 Haunted Halloween Challenge2021 Christmas / Winter Song Challenge2022 Jingle Challenge2022 Hot & Cold Challenge2022 Haunted Halloween Challenge2022 Christmas/Winter Song Challenge1950's Song Challenge2023 Movie Score Challenge


Collaborator Summary

V1CTOR is currently active in 13 projects and has 26 published songs.

V1CTOR has multiple project credits, including
  • Bass
  • Piano
  • Vocals
  • Producer
  • Arrangement
  • Composition
  • Lyrics
  • Keyboards/Synth
  • Cover Artist
  • Backing Vocals
  • Guitar
  • Coins, Eye Glass case, tupperware
  • and Cover Photography


  • Burp on command


I'm a dinosaur lost to time. I was in my prime in 1985. I used to work hard during the day. play music all night and into the early morning hours and do it all again the next day. There were so many days in which I slept in my car in the parking lot so I wouldn't be late for work. Now I find it difficult to stay awake past 10 pm unless I'm recording.
Music has always been a big part of my life. I gave it up in 1991 to pursue a career that would allow me to buy a home and raise a family. I cut my very long hair and didn't touch an instrument for 17 years until I discovered online music collaboration. Thanks to some very talented people, some of which are here on this site, I am active again. I wish I could do this more but I'll take what I time I have and do what I can. I'll remain active until I fail.

Favorite Genres

  • Alternative
  • Experimental
  • Goth
  • Grunge
  • Hard Rock
  • Indie
  • Industrial
  • Metal
  • Old School
  • Rock
  • Soft Rock
  • Soundtrack

Recording Setup

FL Studio and some old analog gear

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